The Exhibitions you Don’t Want to Miss Out on this Summer!

Prepare yourself for a cultural summer with our selection of this summer’s 5 must-see exhibitions!
1. Mystical Symbolism: The Salon de la Rose+Croix in Paris, 1892–1897.
Guggenheim Museum, New York City. A revival of the annual exhibition established by the eccentric French author and critic Joséphin Péladan (1858–1918) and held in Paris to represent the doctrines of his Rosicrucian order—a fraternal, esoteric religious sect. Until October 4, 2017.
2. Christian Dior, couturier du rêve.
Musée des Arts décoratifs, Paris. A comprehensive exhibition inviting the visitor to discover the famous fashion designer’s universe as a celebration of the 70th anniversary of the creation of the Maison Dior. Until January 7, 2018.
3. On the Horizon: Contemporary Cuban Art from the Jorge M. Pérez Collection.
Pérez Art Museum, Miami. A selection of works by contemporary Cuban artists to explore the diverse cultural and emotional landscapes of recent Cuban art. Until April 8, 2018.
4. Balenciaga: Shaping Fashion.
Victoria & Albert Museum, London. An ambitious exhibition examining the work and legacy of influential Spanish couturier Cristóbal Balenciaga, with over 100 pieces crafted by ‘the master’ of couture, his protégées and contemporary fashion designers working in the same innovative tradition. Until Sunday, February 18, 2018.
5. Pity and Terror, Picasso’s path to Guernica.
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid. A major exhibition held in honor of the 80th anniversary of Pablo Picasso’s famous Guernica, highlighting the artist’s depictions of warfare and his ambivalent approach to violence and sexuality. Until September 4, 2017.